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Below are the questions that were answered from previous broadcasts

Raw Agility – A Monthly Live WebcastCategory: Raw Agility 2022-01-10
How much can you Scrum be adapted to meet the needs of the organsiation?
256 views1 answers2 votes
How can we handle this situation as a scrum master-> My team is new and taking more than few sprints to come up to spead (no one to guide the team technically, due to technical competencies, new environment, etc.). I as scrum master is trying to help the team fix these slowly and steadly, however the management is looking for results and so do the clients. Any different way of dealing this scenario?
ResolvedJadheer MK asked 3 years ago • ,
212 views1 answers2 votes
Also, I am on a project helping a telecom company to implement Scrum, however, the development theam is new to Scrum and they want to make use of a hybrid framework where they use a waterfall approach for deliverables but Scrum tools to manage the project. This has generated confusion in the team and directly affects the Sprint Goal results. Any recommendation?
ResolvedEmmanuel Cruz asked 3 years ago • ,
297 views1 answers2 votes
What’s the best way to facilitate a team through Scrum sprints where they do not know how to use Scrum (or not very well)? Should we train people first or try and teach as we go, for example? Again, for non-developer teams.
ResolvedChris Lowe asked 3 years ago • ,
331 views1 answers2 votes
Remember the time you started as scrum Master, how did you convince you first teams that you’re the right person in place?
ResolvedHeinrich B�rhausen asked 3 years ago • ,
220 views1 answers2 votes
Hi! Would you share your experience with SAFE, scaled scrum? What could be the key points for transformation?
Resolved??? ???????? asked 3 years ago • ,
236 views1 answers2 votes
What would you advise for. a team which don’t want to work in an agile way – context – sprint after sprint the team still work the same way
ResolvedAnonymous Attendee asked 3 years ago • ,
355 views1 answers2 votes
How does People leader work with either PO or SM role?
ResolvedJennifer Maycroft asked 3 years ago • ,
218 views1 answers2 votes
Our clients are out of IT world, they don’t know Scrum. So is it possible to apply Scrum when the client is not up with it?
ResolvedGergana Ivanova asked 3 years ago • ,
216 views1 answers2 votes
How to split a product into several one when the former product relies on the same already existing common “code base”?
265 views1 answers2 votes
If you find the estimation useless/waste, what would be a better approach?How would you track progress, and predict amount of work that can be completed?
ResolvedJovan Jelicic asked 3 years ago • ,
225 views1 answers2 votes
Our SCrum team considers a good practice to have a know buffering (measured) for unknown items that could occur inside the sprint and are accepted by the team. Is that a good practice?
ResolvedJimena asked 3 years ago • , ,
280 views1 answers3 votes